The Body Transcendence Blog

Posts tagged "Legs"

  • Why you should wear barefoot shoes after structural integration

    People don’t usually think about the effect shoes have on their bodies. When I went through the SI process, I learned just how important your shoes are. Through this post, find out how your shoes are affecting you.

  • Forget anatomy and take on art

    The muscle model has been used to understand physical balance for decades. But there’s another model that’s getting even better results. Through this post, gain a new perspective on how you can gain physical balance and stop just managing symptoms.

  • Growing Out of Growing Pains

    Growing Out of Growing Pains

    | Jill Branch |

    My relationship with my legs was rocky from the start. I remember as a child waking up in the middle of the night crying because my legs ached so badly. I would run into my mom’s room, crawl into her bed, and she would rub my legs until the pain went away and I fell back asleep. Even as an adult, I have experienced the familiar sensations of childhood growing pains.

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